Tibet Restaurant

Währinger Gürtel 102, 1090 Wien
© Christian Fischer

Christian Fischer

Tibetan specialty restaurant, also specially prepared dishes for diabetics and allergy sufferers, based on the knowledge of Tibetan medicine, cuisine of the Himalayan regions (TT vegetarian € 10.90 or with meat € 11.90); vegan dishes, large range of vegetarian dishes and teas (large tea bar), lassis; children's food, small portions, homemade tea for children, children's chairs, toys. From time to time events. Extra room for rent. Small boutique with various goods from Tibet, Nepal and the Himalayan regions.


Währinger Gürtel 102, 1090 Wien



Opening hours

Tue–Fri 11.30–15 and 17.30–22.30, Sat, Sun, Hol 12–15 and 17–22.30


Dining with children, Dining on sundays, Live performances, Take-away


01/315 10 12